Saturday, January 17, 2009

Books Read in 2008

I love to read.  Since I've already started my reading list for 2009, I thought I'd share a list of what I read in 2008.  Here it is:

Light From Heaven, Jan Karon

Dear John, Nicholas Sparks

The Choice, Nicholas Sparks

Yada Yada Gets Rolling, Neta Jackson


By Laura Ingalls Wilder:

Little House on the Prairie

On The Banks of Plum Creek

By the Shores of Silver Lake

The Long Winter

Little Town on the Prairie

These Happy Golden Years

The First Four Years

Farmer Boy

A Little House Traveler (includes:  On the Way Home, West from Home and The Road Back)


Alone Yet Not Alone, Tracy Michelle Leininger

Seabird, Holling Clancy Holling

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, Kate Douglas Wiggin

Memoirs of A London Doll, Richard Henry Horne

The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Decked Out, Neta Jackson


By Beverly Lewis:

The Preacher's Daughter

The Englisher

The Brethren

October Song

The Covenant

The Betrayal

The Prodigal

The Revelation

The Sanctuary

The Postcard

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